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Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Getting ready for 2010

Well, this is my very 1st blog ever. I'm sure it will take awhile to get this up and running, but at least I've made the 1st step. The title of my blog, Back2therealme, is about becoming the person God always meant for me to be, or, getting "back" on the original track.
At this time, I am going to be focusing on getting my weight down and my health and fitness back. I am 42 years old, and a fitness program recently told me that I have the body of a 58 year old person. I am a person who takes everything with a grain of salt until it is proven, but I keep it in mind. However, I plan to find the motivation, strength and wisdom in the coming year to get down to a healthy weight and develop a healthy lifestyle for me and my family. I pray that it will be for good, but I only live one day at a time, so that will be sufficient for each day that God gives me.
I am planning to start the South Beach Diet plan on January 1st, 2010. I have gradually gained weight to the point that I can't stand to get any bigger in the past few years. I am sure that I am prediabetic, and I don't want to think about all the other potential problems. I have tried many methods in the past year to find an eating plan that I can live with, because I honestly hate "diets". I am to the point now, that I am having to face that I have a sugar/food addiction, and it's not going to get any better unless I do something that is realistic and permanent. Restricting sugar and high-glycemic foods is the only way I feel like I can get my eating under control. I have to have firm boundaries or I will cheat.
I will continue setting this up more tomorrow. I will appreciate anyone who sincerely wants to help, give input or support. I love people and am in a helping profession as a nurse. We tend to take care of others more than ourselves. See ya soon! Charla


  1. This is exciting. I do have one request though, please enable commenting by Name/URL. Please, please, please. :-)

    I hope you find this as useful as I have. The accountability the blog provided, even before I had any followers, was awesome.

  2. Welcome to the blogosphere Charla! We are all in this together, so if you need advice, please feel free to let someone know.

  3. Welcome, to this wonderful community, Charla. It was such a great joy and a source of support when I met so many wonderful people here. And, of course, your brother, Steve is a blessing.

    I look forward to following you as you go on your own journey!
